Having fruit for breakfast can help give you a jolt of
energy in the morning. Strawberry smoothies have become a delicious and
convenient alternative to the traditional list of breakfast foods. Whether made
with fresh strawberries or from strawberry smoothie mix, these red heart-shaped
berries are bursting with nutrients that help boost your immune system.
You might be surprised to find out that one of the most
popular fruits in the world isn’t actually a fruit. In fact, strawberries
aren’t even technically categorized as berries.
found in the fruit aisle at your local grocery store, strawberries are actually
a member of the rose family and are considered aggregate
fruits. To be considered a berry, the fruit must have seeds embedded inside of
the flesh. The true fruit of the strawberry – the seeds – are studded on the
outer surface. Each strawberry contains an average of 200 seeds. The vibrant
red colour of strawberries comes from the large amounts of the phytochemical
anthocyanin, which also means that it can help fight inflammation, heart
disease and even cancer.
A Natural Aphrodisiac
In ancient Rome, the strawberry was a symbol of Venus and gained its reputation
as an aphrodisiac due to their large number of tiny seeds symbolizing
fertility. Rich in antioxidants, consuming strawberries will keep you looking
and feeling young, while the boost of vitamin C helps to promote blood flow.
Strawberries also contain a number of minerals known to stimulate the libido,
including magnesium, potassium and folate.
Rich in Nutrients & Fiber
Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, while also
providing a good dose of fiber, folic acid, manganese and potassium. Fiber is a
necessity for healthy digestion and strawberries carry about 2g of fiber per
serving. Low-calorie and fat-free, adding strawberries to your diet is a
terrific way to manage your weight, while still being able to snack on
something that tastes delicious. Smartfruit Summer Strawberry smoothie mix for
example maintains these health benefits.
Great Source of
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a well-known immunity booster and strawberries contain more
vitamin C than any other berry on the planet. The antioxidant power of
strawberries becomes readily available to the body after incorporating the
fruit in your diet for just a few short weeks. Vitamin C also plays a role in
promoting eye health, while helping to strengthen both the cornea and the
retina. Our eyes require vitamin C to protect them from exposure to free
radicals from the sun’s UV rays.
Reduce Your Risk of
Cardiovascular Disease
Strawberries contain powerful antioxidants that can benefit the heart in
various ways. Ellagic acid and flavonoids help to counteract the effect of LDL
(bad cholesterol), which causes plaque to build up in the arteries. They also
work to provide an anti-inflammatory effect, which is also good for the heart.
As a moderate source of potassium, strawberries have also been shown to help
regulate blood pressure. Together, with their impact on the reduction of bad
cholesterol, inflammation and high blood pressure, strawberries are one of the
most heart-healthy fruits that you can eat.
A strawberry smoothie is a smart and healthy way to mix up your daily breakfast
routine. Adding strawberries to your regular diet can help you look and feel
better, while keeping your heart healthy in the process. Start your morning
with a strawberry smoothie mix blended with ice or fresh strawberries blended
with your favourite ingredients.